Thursday, March 31, 2011

We are what we do

June Khuzwayo                            Media Studies 3

We are what we do

Our future is determined by our behaviour, what we do. Same as the past. The past made me to be who I am today. Its all about the choices that we make as "Human Beings" in our daily lives. We can learn from history how past generations thought and acted, how they responded to the demands of their time and how they solved their problems. We can learn by analogy not by examples, for our circumstances will always be different than theirs.

The  main thing history can teach us is that human actions have consequences and that certain choices, once made, cannot be reversede. They shut out the possibility of making other choices and thus they determine future events if your dream is to be a president, the study of politics and the positiveness determiines your career same as to any field one has acquired. It can be a negative or a positive action that one takes. People perceive us based on our behaviour, how we do things and how we respond to certain issues or things.

Gossip can be helpful and instructive sometimes

June Khuzwayo                        Studies Media 3

Gossip can be helpful and instructive sometimes

There are actually hundreds of thousands of people employed around the world to gather gossip for magazines and newspapers. There is a whole market out there that is willing to pay a fair price for a good gossip or rumour. What if gossiping was totally eliminated? Imagine how many people would lose their jobs?.

People who are good gossipers are often very creative. They do not just talk about other people, they actually turn their gossip into a very entertaining story. For such people, gossiping is the only place where they actually are able to employ their creative selves.

You can tell alot about a person by listening to him/her for a short while. If the person talks about someone else, you can be pretty sure he/she will talk about  you as soon as you turn around. At least this is one good way to keep track of what to say and to whom.

This is the only thing that is universal across all cultures. You can go anywhere and as long as you can gossip effectively and carefully, you will find friends. Well there you have it. It just makes me want to gossip now!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What is the colour of the win

June Khuzwayo                       Media Studies 3

What is the colour of the wind

Truelly and really what is the colour of the wind? Is it blue, brown, green, black, white or what? I've got no idea but to me it looks colourless. The wind is invisible, you can only feel it basically when it blows. We would be lying to ourselves when we say it has colour.

I've never ever seen it before. If that would be argued I guess no one would be regarded as wrong or write because we are all expressing our views on something we are not sure of. Unless scientist could convince us otherwise that wind has colour, same as water. For me its colourless but others would totally disagree with me on that because we see things differently. 

We are afraid of the wrong things

June Khuzwayo                              Media Studies 3

We are afraid of the wrong things

We grow through being wrong, we stand still through being right. If you want to be right all the time, go and live underground. It's not going to be possible even there. You will find however that no one is there to see you become "humiliated". The next time it comes to your attention that you have been wrong, don't hide from it, look them squarely in the face and say: Thank you I want to know when I am wrong so I can be better next time.

Being wrong is not the worst thing in the world, therefore you have nothing to be afraid of. Is it so valuable that you would give up your sense of peace and well-being over it? Come on we are all human beings. Everyone makes mistakes and we learn from them. We are bound to err in one way or another and therefore holding yourself back won't help. We can't be perfect even if we try.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Does gender have any difference when it comes to employment

June Khuzwayo                            Media Studies 3

Does gender have any difference when it comes to employment

Yes it does,

Gender has many dimensions that impacts on employment, specifically when it comes to females. This justify differential treatment of males and females in the workplace where indicated. Then again women have reproductive roles that requires a degree of sensitivity in the employment relationship whereas males are sometimes in the same boat. So, it depends on the circumstances of the specific employee to determine the specific gender implications for the workplace.

My outlook is that males should get up, most women are multi skilled as a result of their reproductive role that requires them to multi task and such the worth of the female employee will soon be rated much higher than that of males.

What is really our role in this world

June Khuzwayo         Media Studies 3                             What is really our role in this World

Do we sit down and wait? Do we go out there and make a difference, do we sit on the street of Jozi and ask working class for donations. What is really our role? My understanding is, the role of youth is of most importance in today's life. It has underplayed itself in field of politics. It should become aspiring entrepreneur rather than mere workers. It can play a vital role in poverty alleviation and decrease of crime. Young  participation is important because the youth generation are the countries power.

The youth recognises problems and can solve them. Youth are strong forces in social movements. They educate children about their rights. They help other young people attain a higher level of intellectual ability and to become qualified adults. Its time the youth, the students have to realise their power, their role, their duties and their responsibility and stand up for their rights. Now its time that instead of brain drain we should act like magnets and attract the world.

Youth is the joy. The little bird that has broken out of the eggs and is eagerly wailing to spread out its wings in the open sky of freedom and hope. "James Let's be that little bird and fly up. This world has got so much to offer, why not take that as an advantage and utilise the resources that you are provided with.

Stand, stand, stand up. Don't waste time, the world is depending on us. We are the power of this Nation. Power is in us, Youth.