Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Is polygamy a feminist issue

June Khuzwayo                                         Media Studies 3

Is polygamy a feminist issue

It is not something that was practiced by the old generation it still exist, India is one of the country that actively practices polygamy. But it is wrong! In any practice that we want is polygamy wrong to you? Or do you agree with me that, even if it's against the Bible and Christianity beliefs we have the right to choose what we practice and how we practice it? Polygamy was introduced mainly to support widows. Polygamy should be allowed to support orphans since a single parent cannot do it alone.

Marrying young children and overdoing it is indeed a feminist issue. Having children out of wedlock for instant a clear scenario would be what King Swaziland is doing but still it depends on the existing wives whether they tolerate polygamy or not, because for me shipping out would be the best solution. If my husband feels that he wishes to take a second wife I will gladly move out or vice versa.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Its all about respect!!!

June Khuzwayo                             Media Studies 3

Its all about respect!!!

Having respect for others is difficult when you have no respect for yourself.  Respect is earned if you respect yourself and others then in return people will respect you. One needs to pay attention when people disrespect them, and act on it. A person with self respect doesn't tolerate others to treat them badly, and would rather not associate with someone who is disrespectful "that's me". I cannot tolerate such behaviour, people who think that your life revolves around them.

This might seem obvious, but there are many times when we accept being treated badly (in both big and small ways) because we believe the person doesn't know any better or because we are not prepared to let that person go or because we are too down on earth to believe we deserve better. When someone doesn't give you basic respect, you need to be able to say, in one way or another. "You just disrespected me and that's not acceptable to me if you don't respect me. I won't spend time with you anymore." Can you say that and mean it.? Can you turn your back on someone who's clearly shown that they don't respecy you? Once you do that, you'll feel your sense of self-respect and you level of confidence would accelerate, trust me.