Monday, June 27, 2011

Everyday is a good day

June Khuzwayo                                                        Media Studies 3

Everyday is a good day

We should be greatful to each and every day that we are blessed with, cause tomorrow might never come. No matter how difficult the situation you are faced with remember the man above knows why he gave you that challenge. I remember when I lost my Mom, it felt like everything was standing still until her funeral. Through support and also realising that she will never come back I had to get a grip of myself.

Its important to be vibrant and happy everyday, because the world waits for no one. Everyday is supposed to be a good day, ofcourse it cannot be denied that there are those days whereby you curse everything around you. But still each and everyday is supposed to be a good day.

From today onwards I will try to look at each day as a blessing and make sure I have a good day regardless of all the challenges that we encounter in our daily lives.

Have yourself a suppa duppa day!!! 


  1. We should make the best of each and every day God has given us. And if there are challenges on this daily journey, remember : 'Welcome the challenges. Look for the opportunities in every situation to learn and grow in wisdom' - Brian Tracy.

  2. June why arent my comments posted????????????? Lets see if this one will post.

  3. Ahh I see it has been posted.

    Every single day we get to experiece in this world is a blessing. We have to be thankful everyday for another chance and another opportunity.

  4. but it differ time to time, we living in the real world we cannot be very happy everyday, because we are humans, but we must try by all means to do so.
